Tips on Writing MLA Argumentative Essay

November 16, 2010 Posted by admin

Argumentative essays are centered on some point that the author tries to prove by means of logical arguments, facts and statistical data. It is less concerned about your personal opinions, emotions and feelings, although, of course, the point you try to drive home may have its source in them. Argumentative essay of MLA format, in addition, should be in correspondence to the MLA style of formatting, generally used in works dealing with English, literature, history and other humanitarian studies. Here are some peculiarities of this style:

  • No cover page.
  • All the information about the author is presented on the first page of your paper. It is your name, the name of your professor and educational institution: they should be placed in the upper left corner of the first page.
  • Margins: one inch on all pages.
  • Another distinctive feature of writing argumentative essay in MLA format is that every time you quote somebody’s words you are supposed to place them in additionally indented paragraph in quotation marks, with the information about the book and its author after it. This foot- or endnote should correspond to the Works Cited list presented in the end of your work.
  • Use double spacing throughout your MLA argumentative essay.
  • The most preferable fonts are Times New Roman or Arial, usually 10-12 pt.
  • When you mention sources, write the title of magazines, books or scholarly journals in italics or bold type. Titles of essays, poems, articles should be placed into quotation marks.
  • When enumerating sources, use abbreviations like n.p. – no publisher’s name or n.pag. – no pagination.
  • Bibliography should be alphabetized according to the authors’ names.

We suggest that you surf our website further in case you don’t find all the information you need for writing argumentative essay of MLA format.

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